Tears in a Bottle

Tears in a Bottle As November arrived it was hard to believe that our five months in Cambodia was finally drawing to a close. As the reality of this set in, my tears started to flow. I felt that there was unfinished business for me in this beautiful nation, yet I was...

A Servant’s Heart

A Servant’s Heart As we enter into a new year, I often wonder what this year will hold and what can I bring in to this new season. I spent time in prayer and heard the word “servant.”  I, of course, asked God many questions about this. He said to “serve the...

Super Powers

Super Powers Many of us desire to walk in miracles like Jesus did. Personally, I have been pressing in more and more for this since moving to Cambodia. My desire is for the beautiful Khmer people to see God’s outrageous love and compassion for them in tangible ways...

When Love Grows Cold

When Love Grows Cold “Get in, get out,” I had been subconsciously repeating this phrase while weaving through what seemed like endless alleys of claustrophobic shops. My ponytail was a mess from my motorcycle helmet, my clothes were sticky with sweat and my eyes were...

Breaking Chains

Breaking Chains Last night in my dream/vision time I saw a white bright light that was shaped like a star that then slowly formed into an angel. This angel brought me through many doors. As we entered one door it turned into a cave. In this cave was worldly...