Your Voice Can Change Nations!

Did you know you can use your voice (position, influence, relationships) to speak up for those who cannot? Many in your sphere know little or nothing about the realities of human trafficking, or that it is a worldwide problem that is closer to home than they realize. Speaking out as an advocate in our Be A Voice (BAV) program brings awareness that can change lives—and even save one from trafficking.

Here are four ways you can do that:

    • Host a fundraising event
    • Advocate in your community
    • Engage your business
    • Purchase products that give back
1.  Host an Event

Like us, you want to stop human trafficking and help rescue and restore victims. Extreme Love Ministries invites you to make a difference by hosting an event that reaches those in your network and sphere of influence. This event can be a springboard that creates awareness and raises resources that give legs to your compassion!

For example, you can host a:

    • Gala Event
    • Church Event
    • Business Leaders Event
    • Product or Service Promotional Event (proceeds to help at-risk women and children)
    • Specialized Group Event (women’s/men’s group, home/small group, etc.)
    • Creative Media Event (art exhibition, film screening, etc.)

Not sure how to do that? Not to worry, Extreme Love Ministries will help make your event successful by providing media and print materials, current statistics, vision, testimonies, and projects that fight human trafficking. We’ll also give you ideas, solutions, and ways others can get involved.

Your voice can set the captives free! For more information or to host a BE A VOICE event, please email us to ask questions and give us a brief idea of what you’d like to do.

2.  Advocate in Your Community

There are three ways you can volunteer to be a BAV advocate.

>>  BAV Host

Volunteers at this level can host a single or annually recurring BAV event. The event could be large or small, and is funded by the host. It could be one of the above examples, or perhaps one of the following: an Everlasting Love purse party, mom’s group meeting, women’s bible study, etc. You are only limited by your imagination and your budget!

As a BAV Host you are eligible to receive:

    • Electronic media and material provided by ELM (some must be purchased by BAV Host at cost)
    • Future wholesale opportunities for Everlasting Love products and events
    • A BAV point-of-contact person to answer any questions and provide support
    • Prayer and intercession for the event
    • Quarterly BAV e-newsletters
    • Invitation to our private BAV Facebook page for updates, encouragement, peer support, event photos, testimonies, and more
    • For annual event hosts, personalized BAV business cards (printed at the expense of BAV Host)
    • Network identification and partnership affiliation

>>  BAV Spokesperson

Volunteers host four or more fundraising events of your choice per year.

In addition to the support items received by BAV Hosts (above) you will also receive:

    • Incentive Benefits Program membership (eligible for prizes and motivational awards)
    • Personalized BAV business cards (upon qualification, 500 paid for annually by Extreme Love Ministries)

>>  BAV Regional Spokesperson

Our top-level volunteers assist in managing BAV events and advocacy work in your region (upon qualification and at the invitation of Extreme Love Ministries).

In addition to the support items received by BAV Spokespersons (above), you will also receive:

    • Personalized BAV business cards (1000 paid for annually by Extreme Love Ministries)
    • 10% discount on Extreme Love Ministries products

Speaking, coaching and hosting is done by BAV Spokespersons within their home region.

3.  Engage Your Business

You can engage your business in the fight against human trafficking by becoming a BAV Business Partner.

As a business owner or independent contractor, consider giving recurring donations monthly or annually to the kingdom work of Extreme Love Ministries. Some business owners choose to invest regularly based on a percentage of sales or services. Or you might choose to give a one-time gift that suits your business situation. Whatever works for you! (Note: a minimum annual donation required to receive.)

4.  Purchase Products that Give Back

One of our exciting programs is Everlasting Love. Here, women coming out of prostitution and trafficking get a second chance to learn how to sew and create high-end fashion items, skills they can use to support themselves and their families. Participants also receive training in essential life skills, counseling to overcome trauma from their past, and mentoring in spiritual truths. These women experience transformation, and they become agents of change in their families and the slum communities in which they live. Over time, cycles of poverty and exploitation are broken!

By purchasing your own products that give back, you can help free women from exploitation. Consider ways you can get those you know to also purchase give-back products so you can multiply the blessing! Who knows how many lives you might impact simply because you and your friends do a little shopping?

Visit our Everlasting Love Store to see our products and learn more.


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  – Proverbs 31:8

Want more information on how to Be A Voice?

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