God Says I Will and I Am!
Have you ever had a time where you felt stuck between a rock and a hard place? This perfectly describes how I often felt over the past week here on the ground in Cambodia.
About two weeks ago, the Lord wondrously brought a new boy to our doorstep. When we heard his name, a name which means “destiny,” we knew God had brought him to us. His current guardian literally came knocking on the gate of our children’s house, begging us to take him or she would throw this precious one away.
Neighbors had told this woman who was visiting family from a different province that the kids’ house next door is a place where children with special needs are well-loved. Perhaps this place could be a home for the boy and assist with his medical issues and brain development. While we desired to take him in that very day, there is, of course, a necessary legal process to sign him into our XP children’s house and family. Our casework team proceeded daily to reconnect with the current guardian to gather more info for social affairs government officials for custody of the boy.
Our team became very familiar with the neighbors as the guardian made promises every day to travel again from the neighboring province to meet us there. But delay after delay kept occurring as we interceded for no more obstacles. Clearly, our adversary was fighting to keep him from our care. Instead of continuing to wait, our team decided to hop in the XP tuk-tuk for a five-hour round trip to find the boy, yet with no fruit on the first try. However, on the second try, BREAKTHROUGH! After meeting the boy’s family, our team finally had the info needed to begin processing documents.
The next step was to begin preparing for him at the children’s house. Knowing one of our wonderful caregivers would be resigning at the end of April to pursue a dream God has birthed in her heart, we knew we needed God to send her replacement swiftly! Yet, our search for a woman with a mother’s heart for our kids seemed to be coming up against obstacles as well.
The morning after a particularly challenging day in the search for a caregiver, I asked God who He wanted to be for us in this situation. I heard Him speak three different passages in Isaiah in this order:
“And I will make all my mountains a road, and my highways shall be raised up.” Is 49:11
“I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.” Is 46:11
“I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior.” Is 43:11
In reading a commentary on Isaiah 49:11 in particular, it says that the Lord is “able to make a way, or [make it] passable…” He is able to remove “all impediments, obstructions, and difficulties, in the people’s return from captivity…He came leaping over these hills and mountains, and they became a plain before Him.” (John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible)
He sweetly reminded me that morning in these verses that He has promised a double-portion of “I will.” He is saying, “I will remove all hindrances to bring my destiny boy out of captivity. I will bring the mothers to love him and the others into greater levels of healing and breakthrough at the house…. I am. I am.”
There is no way we can ever be stuck between a rock and a hard place. He is the maker of roads through mountains, the one who finishes what He started, the faithful I am. Thank you, Jesus!
Join and pray with us as we call in our caregiver and bring our little destiny boy safely home!
Written by: Anonymous