Give Thanks
It is time to give thanks again. Thanksgiving is upon us. What am I thankful for? What are you thankful for? The word of God tells us that to be thankful is a good thing. In Thess. 5:18, it says- “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Wow. That is pretty plain. You could ask the Lord “should I give thanks that my mother died, or that my son had an accident, or that I don’t have money to pay my bills? Well, I will let you decide, but a wise person told me a long time ago that looking at things from God’s perspective and seeing that He always has solutions to every problem that we have in life, then we can indeed give thanks in all things. Someone said we give thanks in the situation but not for the situation and that is good. But, do you see that God can cause us to triumph in every situation if we just give thanks, and declare that God has the answer? We must look up to Him and not down at ourselves.
Too often, we are looking at the problem and not the problem solver. We have so many precious promises in the word of God that cause us to be victorious in everything. Can we have victory if we have no food? Can we have victory if we do not have a place to live? The word of God says that we can because with our God nothing is impossible! Cor. 15:57 says- “But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” and 2 Cor. 9 15 says- “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” Can we begin to describe the precious gift that Jesus Christ has given us?
He is our life, our health, our sustenance, our love, our mercy, our grace unlimited, our peace, our triumph, our strength, our source, our beloved, our spiritual food, our eternity, our escape from sin, our chain breaker, our word, our breath, our song, our painting, our dance, our joy, our faith, our belief, out trust, our everything. You can add to that list and it will go on and on. How can we not be thankful for such a salvation as this?
I have seen those of other very poor nations that were so thankful for the Lord Jesus their protector in the midst of violence. God is able to do all things for us. I have seen parents who could not afford even the basic necessities of life for their children thankful for the least little thing. It is sometimes hard to go to a very poor nation and come home and realize that we have so many things but the one thing that is most needed – a truly grateful heart.
Think of all of the things that you are thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend and let your heart soar in gratefulness. It is something that I need to do more often and indeed we all do. As you begin, you will find that the list is endless.
Jesus, we are so so grateful to you for our salvation. We come to you overflowing with thankfulness from our hearts and we let that overflow to you in love. I ask for myself that I would be ever mindful of the fact that you never, never leave us or forsake us, and that you never, never cease loving us and that you always are there anytime we call on you.
Let me conclude this little thanksgiving writing with this scripture. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels , nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present , nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Hallelujah to the Lamb! That is something not only to be thankful for but to give the Lord a shout out! A thousand hallelujahs to the Lamb. Amen.
Written by: Joyce Euren
Published on: 11/24/2017