Cleansing Rain
It was an unlikely place for a breakthrough… the killing fields just outside of Phnom Penh. Because of my tender nature, this was a painful place for me to visit. I would think about what happened there long after I had left the grounds. I would hurt for the people and their families. I would think about the trauma that the nation had experienced and grieve over the loss of innocent life.
A few weeks ago, we were heading there once again with a new group for Operation Prayer Strike. I opted out and was going to stay back and pray for the group as they went through the fields, only from a distance. However, after a powerful message from Andrea in the morning on authority and identity, a new strength and authority from the Holy Spirit rose up in me, and I knew that He wanted me to face my giant.
I pulled my friend aside after the morning meeting and with a smile, I said, “I have an announcement.” Without missing a beat, she replied, “You’re going today, aren’t you?”
I prayed and worshiped on the way to the killing fields, and I set my eyes and hope on Jesus. Although what the former generations went through was a massive tragedy and I so badly wished it had never happened, there is a generation now among the living who came from those who died that we can now reach with the hope and life and love of Jesus. He is the hope for Cambodia and He alone can heal broken hearts and mend the soul of the Nation.
As the rest of the group started on the tour, I held back near the front gate. I wasn’t sure if I would stay there or go through the fields and pray. Shortly after, a drizzle started. Then it rained a bit harder. Finally, a downpour.
As I sought shelter under a covering, I marveled at how quickly the rain had come after we arrived. Within moments, I felt that this was a “cleansing rain”… just for me… and I was sensing an invitation from God Himself to come out into the rain. To be cleansed of all of the things that I had been carrying and to release them back to Him.
Taking off my poncho, despite the bewildered stares of onlookers, I responded to the invitation and walked out into the rain. I raised my arms and put my face to the sky as the rain poured over me and cleansed me inside and out. I danced. I cried. I released.
Many times, God allows us to experience something in the natural that He is doing in the spirit.This was no exception. May today be the day for you as well to experience a spiritual cleansing rain over any area of your life that is being held in bondage.
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30
Written by: Cathy Cupp
Published on 10/10/2017