Seeing Through God’s Eyes
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
This song, Give Me Your Eyes, by Brandon Heath, has been resonating in my heart for the last week or so. The lyrics cut straight to my heart and give me the vocabulary of my heart’s cry: for His eyes to see.
While singing, I was reminded of a time recently when I was riding in a tuk-tuk in Phnom Penh. In the city, there are so many people everywhere, all the time.You pass them every day on the street, and although you are aware in the back of your mind that they all have faces, stories, and names, you go about your day.
Even though I was used to frequently seeing Buddhist monks adorned in their bright orange robes about the city, to be honest, I did not have “eyes” for them yet. However, in the tuk-tuk that day, we pulled up to a dead stop in traffic. I was alone, and I looked casually to my left and suddenly found myself eyeball to eyeball with a young Monk, just inches away. God did a deep transforming work in my heart in that moment. All of a sudden, the nameless had a name. The faceless had a face. God had opened my eyes to “see” him.
That young man has been on my heart all week, as the lyrics have been mulling over in my heart and spirit. I can still see those deep eyes that revealed a soul in need of our loving Savior.
Lord, give us your eyes to see, your arms to hold, and your heart to love those around us. May we never be too busy or calloused to reach those whom You hold so dear to Your heart. Amen.
To see the video of Brandon Heath’s song Give Me Your Eyes, click:
Written by: Cathy Cupp
Published on 8/29/2017