The Greatest of These is Love
I just watched the “Wonder Woman” film yesterday. I was so inspired that I just have to write about the love of God again.The ending of the movie said it all. Wonder woman stated that fighting all of the wars of the world and ending the evil influence was not enough. That it was love that would stop the depravity of man. She concluded that the one ingredient that is missing in all of our doings, wars, and defeats is that we must love. The Bible clearly shows a picture of God’s love to man and the new testament is filled with admonitions to love.
If God is love and He is, then when we say we have God living inside of us, our nature also is to love as He does. In the great love chapter 1Cor. 13:7 says that love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8-Love never fails. And this love chapter ends by saying the greatest of all of these spiritual gifts is love.
1 John 4:7 tells us “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
We can bring many drug addicts, prostitutes, murderers and adulterers to the Lord but if we are not walking in love does any of it matter? Yes, we need to be doing all of those things. And yes, the angels of God celebrate every broken person that is saved from destruction by coming to the Lord. But, the final question is this. Are you walking and constrained by the love of God or are you just trying to win brownie points or notches on your proverbial belt? Does the compassion, mercy, and love of God move you to do those things?
From time to time, it is good to understand our motives. Do not think that I am just talking to you dear readers. I am talking to myself as well. I must stand back and examine my own motives also. And I come to realize that it is not about how many we bring out of sex slavery, or how many came to the Lord or how many miracles were done in the name of Jesus. We can do all of those things and still be walking in unforgiveness, bitterness, and even in unrighteous living.
When we truly love, we do not hold to unforgiveness, or bitterness or judgments or any of the fruits of unrighteousness. I see a people who are walking in love able to change things by the very power of love. If you are walking in God’s love you will be able to do the impossible. If love constrains you, nothing shall be impossible. Faith works by love. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of love and all the rest shall follow. Let us ask for a new fresh baptism of the love of God.
We all become overcome at times by the situations and cares of this world. By asking God to bring a new refreshing love to our lives, we will be able to go higher, deeper and make more progress for God’s kingdom than ever before. Beloved, let us love, for love is of God for God is love. (paraphrased)
Written by: Joyce Euren
Published on 7/26/2017