God is Love

by Jun 13, 2017Missions

1 John 4:8 says “But anyone who does not love does not know God for God is love.” 

Our experience, our ministry, and our life starts here. If there is anyone that has not had an experience with God’s love, then I want to encourage that person to come to the everlasting fountain of love that never runs dry. If you have never experienced an overwhelming love that consumes you, then ask for it! Ask God to open your heart to it. It’s that love that motivates us to do everything else that we do. I want to submit here that we need to ask for this every day.

Maybe some of you have known the overwhelming love of God in your heart, but have lost that connection that made your life so wonderful. Maybe you have never known what it is to have that love consuming you. I want to say, you can and you will as you submit yourself fully to Him. You cannot help but experience that love as you experience Him. Everything else in your life must take second place. This is especially for all of you who minister and feel dry and in a desert place.  This is the time that the Lord will prepare you to receive more of His love.  We need to grow in that love each day. Not just by our will and not just by determining that we will, but by yielding to Him and allowing Him to wash us in that delicious, majestic love that overcomes all. Let His love and peace wash over you now even as you are reading this.

As you experience this wonderful God and His love, you will have everything that you need. It all comes out of this one thing -The Love of God. Oh, it is not the kind that the world gives, or it would be fickle. It is not even the kind of love that you have for others. We too can be contrary, or fickle, or here today, gone tomorrow. Jesus’ love never changes and He never forsakes us and never, never withholds His love from us.

Why do I talk about love? Because you cannot minister to those in desperate need here or in other countries without this one thing. You must have God’s love consuming you, or you will soon burn out. That is why we have so many who burn out before their assignment is done.

But, when you are walking in the all-consuming fire of His love, then you are propelled into the world with that love. You can love people that are desperate, alcoholics, murderers, sex traffickers, and those that are the victims. Love can reach the stoniest heart. It can melt the hardened man or woman who claims that there is no God. It can break down walls of oppression, or injustice, or any of the other dark evil things that we hear about in this world we live in.

Have you ever gone into a place of prostitution and experienced the desperation that is in the young girls’ lives that are doing the bidding of those that own them? I did the last time I was in Cambodia, and I was so touched by the need to be loved by a pure love that was in the girls.  How can we withhold that love? How can we ignore the need? We cannot if we love as Christ loved us. Let us not get so comfortable that we forget how God brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Let us love the world as Christ loves the world. We are His hands and feet. Most importantly, we are His heart in this world we live in.

Be filled with pure love today and every day. Life looks and works wonderfully when we let that happen.

Written by:  Joyce Euren

Published on 6/13/2017


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