ជីដូន- Translation- “Grandma of Cambodia”
As this picture is viewed, some will focus on the surrounding poverty. Yet some will focus on the woman and want to be just like her. This woman is the Grandma of children in the slums of Cambodia that do not have a home. Not only does she open her home, she opens her heart to every child that God puts on her path. Her love is relentless. Her guidance is built on a foundation of wisdom as she hears directly from God.
While in Cambodia I have had the honor to meet this amazing woman. Although there is a language barrier, there is certainly not a Holy Spirit barrier. Just one look at her and you know that God has touched her life. Her eyes are filled with His glory.
Is her life easy? Not in any way. Does she have food daily? No, but she does her best to make sure the children do. She has laid down her life to raise up the children.
In my life, I try to love unconditionally, love as Jesus does and make every person I am with feel loved. Grandma has it all covered. If I could ask someone to mentor me, it would be her. My friend Ana’leah took this picture and said this about Grandma, “She’s an incredible woman. She makes me laugh every week. She talks to us like family.” Grandma lives in pure love.
So my blog this month is focused on Grandma, but also all of us. If we could lead a life of pure love, our world would change. We don’t have to change thousands at a time. We first must start with ourselves. While getting ready to write this blog, I asked several people who know Grandma to give me words on how they feel about her. My daughter who met her in January said “nurturing”. My ministry partner said “pure in heart”. My friend John told me a story that really touched my heart. He said, “One time she was drowning, she did not know how to swim and could not get out of the water. She cried out to Jesus, and she said God brought her to dry land.” She has an assignment on her life and she is fulfilling it.
I am so grateful that God brought all our worlds together. We may live in different nations, but we really do have one common bond. That is love.
I can’t wait to see the crown that Jesus puts on Grandma’s head. She is selfless. Please pray for her and all the children that she takes in and calls her own.
Let’s Love like Grandma!
Written by: Barbara Rucci
Published on June 9, 2017