The Least of These

by Feb 17, 2017Missions

In the parable of the sheep and the goats found in Matthew 25:31-47, in verse 40, Jesus is telling us that what we do to the “least” in our society, we do to Him. …“And the King will answer and say to them,’Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.

While three of us seniors were in Cambodia recently, we visited a bar where there were very young prostitutes working to support themselves. Some people would say that these are some of the lowest of the low in our society, but Jesus sees them differently. These are the ones He came to save. These are the ones He would go to first during His time on earth as a man. Remember that He visited the “woman at the well” in John chapter 4. Jesus also came upon the stoning of the prostitute and did not condemn her but confronted her accusers instead.  We are the ones who stand condemning those that we do not relate to.
So, as Jesus’ hands and feet on this earth, we went where Jesus would go. When we entered the bar, we were struck by the beauty, the young ages and especially the hunger that the young girls had for any form of love. Try to picture that as soon as we entered, we were surrounded by a chorus of young girls wanting to get close, to hug, to by hugged by us. We all huddled into a booth where there were at least 7 of us sandwiched into a booth for about four or five hours. Then, there were girls standing at the booth.
I was fortunate enough to be sitting next to our interpreter, so I could communicate with the young girl next to me. The other three communicated without words. Love in action. As I dialogued with my young and beautiful girl, I realized that she had never known a mother and took this job because there was nothing else available to her. She was scared to be there. You see, many find themselves in circumstances that are beyond their control. We must never judge until we find out the whys and the reasons. Then it is still not our place to judge but to LOVE. I will not call her by name to protect her identity, but as we talked, she let me know that she did not know of Jesus. She only prayed to Budda. I was privileged to let her know who Jesus is and was and I asked her if she would like to know this God of all Gods, Jesus Christ. She said she would and we prayed together and she accepted Jesus into her heart to be her God. I really wanted to take her home with me , but realize that she can find a home right there in Cambodia with the wonderful ministry of “Everlasting Love“.
We had time to visit only one place where the girls were selling themselves to make a living, but, we saw the results of those who have come out of that lifestyle. There is such joy and hope on their countenances as they have learned that Jesus has the best way of life for them. We were able to visit those who have not come out of this lifestyle and those who have a new life and the difference is so so amazing. The hunger that is there for more of the Lord is truly something that could put us to shame – we who have so much to gain with no restrictions and no lack of resources.
We have those all around us that society would call undesirables. They have lost hope, they have gone to lifestyles of drugs, alcohol and prostitution. Don’t want to get your hands dirty? Jesus, our savior thought nothing of eating and drinking with all kinds of undesirables. You see, the undesirables are the ones Jesus calls His own. lf you are too comfortable, and have no hunger, He calls you very lukewarm. However, if you spend your life doing what He did and still does, you have treasures laid up for yourselves in heaven. If we have hunger for Jesus, we will have hunger for those that He wants to reach and that He knows will one day be His own.
Written by: Joyce Euren


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